31 / 08 / 2016

DRUTEX, ancora una volta, è partner di una partita di calcio di beneficenza!

On Sunday 4 September, for the third time, the ‘Good Match’ will be held, organized by Bytów Police and the Women Association for Women and Family. As usual, the aim of the event is to give medical support for ill children from Bytów municipality. DRUTEX again has been actively involved in running this special football feast, and the culmination of the event is the match played between the team of Bytów Police and DRUTEX-Bytovia. 

Because of the distinctive character and good cause of the match, the event will be full of attractions and surprises prepared for all the fans. During the event there will be auctions of items offered by Bytów companies, institutions and individuals. A few extraordinary items will be auctioned, such as a T-shirt with Philipp Lahm autograph, a ball with Andrea Pirlo signature and a calendar with Jakub Błaszczykowski autograph, offered for the auction by DRUTEX.

During this football feast there will also be numerous contests and games for adults and for the youngest fans. The Regional Traffic Center in Słupsk will be organized as a part of the Good Match, where you can test your abilities on a simulator that imitates the force of a car crash at a particular speed, verify your knowledge regarding road safety using narco and alco goggles. These are just some of the attractions. The youngest football fans will be able to enjoy games on inflatable toys, and to learn about the rules of safety on roads.

The organizers guarantee loads of emotions and positive adrenaline, also thanks to the match that is the climax of the event. The fight is shaping up to be fierce. In the DRUTEX-Bytovia team the current players will take part, as well as players who used to represent our team. Both teams promise to blow off steam during the fight. However, the result of the match doesn’t matter. Who wins is the ill children.

We wish to invite everybody to the Bytów stadium on Sunday 4 September. We take off at 2pm.!

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